Field Crop Fertilizer Recommendations For 成人影片: Fertilizer Nutrient Sources And Lime

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Numerous manufactured and natural fertilizers are available in 成人影片. Manufactured fertilizers typically contain a high percentage of a nutrient element or elements per unit. Natural fertilizers include animal manures, fish by-products (e.g., fish meals) and crop residues. The nutrient levels in manures and other residues are usually lower than those found in many manufactured fertilizers. In addition, many of the nutrient elements found in manures and residues are bound to the organic matter and are not immediately available to plants. Nutrient levels in manures vary substantially, depending upon the degree of decomposition and whether the manure has been stored under cover or has been left exposed. Table 1 lists many commonly available fertilizers and their respective analyses.

Nitrogen is used by the plant primarily in the nitrate and ammonium forms. These forms come either from manufactured or naturally occurring sources. Nitrate is chemically the same from either source. Ammonium from a manufactured source is chemically identical to ammonium from a naturally occurring source. The difference lies in availability of manufactured versus organically bound nutrients in manures and residues. The nitrogen in manure, fish by-products and plant residues must be converted to nitrate and ammonium by soil microorganisms. The conversion takes time and depends to a large extent on the kind of crop residues or manures, soil temperature and moisture. The converting process for fish by-products is usually relatively fast.

Phosphorus and potassium are also supplied by manufactured and naturally occurring sources. Naturally occurring phosphorus sources such as rock phosphate are not as readily plant available as manufactured sources. Potassium is taken up by the plant as K+ ion. Potassium from naturally occurring sources is often more plant available than nitrogen or phosphorus. Manufactured potassium sources such as potassium chloride and potassium sulfate are readily plant available.

Sulfur behaves much like nitrogen in the soil, with nearly all sulfur occurring in the organic fraction. If applied in elemental form, sulfur must be converted in the soil to sulfate, the form of sulfur that can be used by plants. For this reason, sulfur fertilizers should be scrutinized for their relative plant availability. Another manufactured sulfur fertilizer is ammonium sulfate. Sulfur in ammonium sulfate is readily available to plants; therefore, where immediate sulfur response is required, a sulfate source should be selected. In a soil sulfur building program or where long term sulfur availability is required (perennial crops), a combination of elemental sulfur and sulfate is desirable. Care should be used when applying elemental sulfur as this material lowers soil pH during the converting process.

Calcium, and magnesium if required, is normally applied in liming materials discussed in the next section. Gypsum (calcium sulfate) and calcium nitrate are sources of calcium that do not significantly raise the pH of the surrounding soil.

The micronutrients required by plants include zinc, manganese, copper, iron, boron, nickel and molybdenum. The term micronutrient accurately describes these nutrient elements because they are required in very small amounts for plant growth, although they are just as important as macronutrients. For this reason, micronutrients are often applied with seeds or in foliar sprays. Table 2 lists various inorganic micronutrient sources and their solubility in water.

Metallic micronutrients (manganese, copper, iron and zinc) are also commercially available in chelated forms. Chelates are designed to hold the micronutrient atoms in solution for increased plant availability. These forms are important agriculturally since micronutrients are often plant unavailable because of soil physical and chemical limitations or are relatively water insoluble and therefore difficult to apply in foliar sprays. Four important chelates are EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), DTPA, (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid), CDTA (cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid) and EDDHA (ethylenediaminedi [o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid]). Although these chelates act similarly and their effectiveness is fairly uniform, their individual activity varies with soil chemical conditions.

Although boron is essential for proper plant growth, it is phytotoxic in even relatively small amounts. It is therefore important to ensure that a constant but minute supply is available to the plant.


Lime applications are required on many of 成人影片's acidic soils to raise the pH. Raising the pH is necessary to 1) increase soil microbial activity, 2) increase phosphorus availability, 3) reduce micronutrient toxicity, 4) reduce aluminum toxicity and 5) overcome poor plant performance.

Lime contains calcium, or a combination of calcium and magnesium, and neutralizes acidity. Agricultural lime, or ag lime, is primarily calcium carbonate. It is the most commonly used liming material and contains plant-available calcium and acidity-neutralizing carbonate (see UAF Cooperative Extension Service publication FGV-00242A, Soil Fertility Basics).

Numerous materials come under the heading of lime, including limestone, burned lime, slaked lime, marl, oyster shells, slag, wood ashes, mine tailings and many more. There are four categories into which these materials are grouped: carbonates, oxides, hydroxides and by-product materials.


Carbonates are widely available and are the most commonly used liming materials. Mined high-grade calcitic limestone, when ground, is almost pure calcium carbonate. This is an excellent liming material because of its relatively low cost and availability and its effectiveness in neutralizing soil acidity. Dolomitic limestone (a naturally occurring combination of magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate), although more costly, is also widely used in areas with low soil magnesium levels because it provides both calcium and magnesium along with its acidity-neutralizing capabilities.

Marls come from naturally occurring deposits of calcium and magnesium carbonates, clay and shell remnants and can be used to increase soil pH. Oyster shells are pure calcium carbonate which, when finely ground, increase soil pH.


Oxides, liming materials commonly known as burned lime, quicklime and unslaked lime, are made by baking or roasting crushed calcitic or dolomitic lime in an oven or furnace, which drives off carbon dioxide and leaves a pure oxide. These oxides are the most efficient liming materials on a pound-for-pound basis and react rapidly with the soil to increase pH.

Oxides are powdery, caustic and reactive with moisture so they are usually sold in bags. Because of the large amount of energy required to remove carbon dioxide, oxide materials are more expensive to manufacture than carbonate materials.


Hydroxides are hydrated oxides, or simply, oxides mixed with water. Hydroxide limes, also known as slaked lime, hydrated lime or builder鈥檚 lime, react similarly to oxides in the soil and are also powdery and unpleasant to handle.

By-product Materials

Mining, refining, processing and manufacturing industries produce numerous by-products useful for increasing soil pH. Slags from blast and electric furnaces, along with fly and bottom ash from coal burning plants, are used in agricultural liming. Wood ashes from wood stoves and fireplaces can also be used to increase soil pH. Carbide lime from acetylene production is nearly pure Ca(OH)2 and used to be an important lime source in 成人影片. Probably the major problems with by-product lime sources involve variability in quality (purity) and fineness. Also, these materials may contain other elements or minerals which may be either toxic to plants or accumulate in the soil.

Ag lime, dolomitic lime, hydrated lime and prilled lime are all available in 成人影片. Prilled lime is very finely ground ag lime that is pelletized (held together with a water-soluble binding agent). The pellets can be spread with a regular fertilizer spreader. Once on the ground, water dissolves the binding agent and the lime is released to the soil. The prilled product is more expensive than other products, but it is easier for the homeowner to spread.


Chemical composition (purity) and particle size are the two attributes which define the potential effectiveness of liming materials.

Chemical Composition

Calcium carbonate equivalence (CCE) is used to measure the relative effectiveness of liming materials. The CCE scale (Table 3) compares all liming materials to pure calcium carbonate, which is assigned a value of 100. Note that on a per-pound basis, marl, slags, sludges and wood ashes have considerably less acid-neutralizing power than the oxides, hydroxides or carbonates because of their high level of impurities.

Physical Composition

Because agricultural limestone is produced by crushing limestone rock, particle sizes vary. Particle size is important because it is related to the speed of the acid-neutralizing activity. Finely ground materials (smaller particle size) react more rapidly in soil than coarsely ground materials (large particle size). Most ground limestone will pass through a U.S. Standard No. 8 sieve (8 wires per inch, each opening 0.0937 by 0.0937 inches) and as much as 40 percent passes through a 100 mesh sieve.


The lime requirement is the amount of lime needed to increase soil pH to a desired level. The amount is determined by testing the soil. Lime recommendations are established by comparing individual soil test values to values from calibration experiments. Crops differ in their sensitivity to soil acidity. See UAF Cooperative Extension Service publication FGV-00643, Field Crop Fertilizer Recommendations for 成人影片 Vegetables, for a list of soil pH ranges for vegetable crops. A combination of water pH and SMP buffer index is used for making lime recommendations in 成人影片.

Application Rate

Lime application rates are typically much higher than fertilizer application rates. Soils should be limed to a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 for the best crop production. Observing proper lime application rates will limit the chance of overliming, which, in addition to being expensive, can drastically reduce soil productivity. Table 4 is provided for use with SMP buffer soil test information. Simply find the SMP buffer value for each soil sample in the first column, then follow horizontally across to either of the lime requirement columns, tons/acre or pounds/100 square feet. Use these recommended amounts of lime to increase soil pH to approximately 6.5.

Application Timing

In order to affect pH, the liming material must react in the soil. Therefore, early applications of finely ground, high CCE materials are encouraged when rapid pH change is desired. Fall application is recommended to allow lime incorporation if soils are not frozen. Also, an even lime distribution across the field, incorporating to six inches, will hasten neutralizing activity. Finely ground liming materials are difficult to handle and apply evenly. A drop-box type spreader (similar to a grain drill) provides more accurate applications of dry lime than does a spinner-type spreader. If the material is finely ground (will pass through a 250 micron/60 mesh sieve) and has at least an 85 percent CCE, then liquid application as a slurry is possible, leading to more uniform application. Some liming materials, either high in impurities or coarsely ground, will not reduce soil pH appreciably in the year of application but may instead require several years to change the soil pH to the desired level.

There are 17 elements that are essential for growth of all plant species.

Primarily from the atmosphere


Hydrogen (H)

Oxygen (O)

Primarily from the soil


Nitrogen (N)

Phosphorus (P)

Potassium (K)

Secondary Macronutrients

Calcium (Ca)

Magnesium (Mg)

Sulfur (S)


Iron (Fe)

Manganese (Mn)

Zinc (Zn)

Copper (Cu)

Boron (B)

Molybdenum (Mo)

Chlorine (Cl)

Nickel (Ni)

All essential nutrients are equally important for healthy plant growth, but there are large differences in the amount of each nutrient that the plant needs. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are considered the macronutrients because plants need these in larger amounts than other nutrients and our soils are naturally more likely to be deficient in them. Calcium, magnesium and sulfur are called secondary macronutrients because they are required in lesser amounts than nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B, Mo, Cl and Ni) are elements that are required in minute amounts, although a shortage of them can still limit crop production.

Table 1. Primary and secondary fertilizer nutrient source composition.

Fertilizer Material Chemical Formula Nutrient Composition (%)          
    Primary     Secondary    
    N P2O5* K2O S Ca Mg
Ammonium nitrate NH4NO3 34
Ammonium nitrate sulfate NH4NO3(NH4)2SO4 30 6.5
Ammonium phosphate sulfate NH4H2PO4(NH4)2SO4 16 20 15
Ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 21 24
Calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2 16 21
Calcium sulfate gypsum CaSO4 17 22
Diammonium phosphate (DAP) (NH4)2HPO4 18 /td> 46<
Elemental sulfur   99
Fish meal, dried*   10 6        
Magnesium sulfate Epsom salt MgSO4 13 10
Manure (fresh)*              
Chicken   1.1 0.9 0.5      
Cow   0.5 0.2 0.5      
Horse   0.6 0.3 0.5      
Sheep   0.9 0.5 0.8      
Swine   0.6 0.5 0.4      
Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) NH4H2PO4 11 48
Potassium chloride KCl 60
Potassium nitrate KNO3 13 44
Potassium magnesium sulfate K2SO4鈥2惭驳厂翱4 22 23 11
Potassium sulfate K2SO4 50 18
Salmon bone meal*   2鈥9 12        
Seaweed (kelp)*   0.6 1.3      
Single superphosphate Ca(H2PO4)2 20 12 20  
Sulfur-coated urea CO(NH2)2鈥 32 30
Triple superphosphate (TSP) Ca(H2PO4)2 45 1 12  
Urea CO(NH2)2 45
Wood ashes   1.8 5 ** **

* Values presented are averages as many factors affect actual composition. These materials also contribute secondary nutrients.

** If unleached, acid neutralizing potential equivalent to 1鈦2 agricultural grade lime.

Table 2. Micronutrient sources and water solubility. ** If unleached, acid neutralizing potential equivalent to 1鈦2 agricultural grade lime.

Fertilizer Material Chemical Formula Element % Water Solubility g/100g H2O Temperature 掳F
Granular borax Na2B4O7鈥10贬2O 11.3 2.5 33
Sodium tetraborate, anhydrous Na2B4O7 21.5 1.3 32
Solubor Na2B8O13鈥4贬2O 20.5 22 86
Ammonium pentaborate NH4B5O8鈥4贬2O 19.9 7 64
Copper sulfate CuSO4鈥5贬2O 25.0 24 32
Cuprous oxide Cu2O 88.8  *  
Cupric oxide CuO 79.8 *  
Cuprous chloride Cu2Cl2 64.2 1.5 77
Cupric chloride CuCl2 47.2 71 32
Ferrous sulfate FeSO4鈥7贬2O 20.1 33 32
Ferric sulfate Fe2(SO4)3鈥9贬2O 19.9 440 68
Iron oxalate Fe2(C2O4)3 30.0 very soluble  
Ferrous ammonium sulfate Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2鈥6贬2O 14.2 18 32
Ferric chloride FeCI3 34.4 74 32
Manganous sulfate MnSO4鈥4贬2O 24.6 105 32
Manganous carbonate MnCO3 47.8 0.0065 77
Manganese oxide Mn3O4 72.0 *  
Manganous chloride MnCl2 43.7 63 32
Manganous oxide MnO 77.4    
Sodium molybdate Na2MoO4鈥2O 39.7 56 32
Ammonium molybdate (NH4)Mo7O24鈥4贬2O 54.3 44 77
Molybdic oxide MoO3 66.0 0.11 64
Zinc sulfate ZnSO4鈥2O 36.4 89 212
Zinc oxide ZnO 80.3 *  
Zinc carbonate ZnCO3 52.1 0.001 60
Zinc chloride ZnCl2 48.0 432 77
Zinc oxysulfate 窜苍翱鈥苍厂翱4 453.8 - -
Zinc ammonium sulfate ZnSO4鈥(狈贬4)2SO4鈥6贬2O 16.3 9.6 32
Zinc nitrate Zn(NO3)2鈥6贬2O 22.0 324 68

* denotes insolubility
Source: Western Fertilizer Handbook, 7th Edition.

Table 3. Calcium Carbonate Equivalence (CCE) values of various liming materials.

Liming Material Chemical Composition CCE
Calcitic limestone CaCO3 98鈥100
Dolomitic limestone CaMg(CO3)2 100鈥109
Hydroxides Ca(OH)2 or Mg(OH)2 120鈥136
Oxides CaO or MgO 150鈥179
Marl CaCO3鈥* 60鈥90
Slags CaSiO3鈥* 50鈥90
Sludges CaCO3鈥* 30鈥80
Wood ashes X* 30鈥50

* X indicates unknown impurities.
Source: Mahler, R.L. and R.E. McDole. 1986. Liming materials. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 787.

Table 4. Recommended lime application rates to increase the surface 6 inch soil pH to approximately 6.5.

SMP Buffer pH T/a Amount of Lime to Apply pounds lime/100 sq ft
6.4 1.9 9
6.3 2.3 11
6.2 2.7 12
6.1 3.1 14
6.0 3.5 16
5.9 3.9 18
5.8 4.2 19
5.7 4.6  21
5.6 5.0 23
5.5 5.5 25
5.4 5.9 27
5.3 6.2 28
5.2 6.6 30
5.1 7.0 32
5.0 7.4 34
4.9 7.8 36

Source: Loynachan, T.E., 1979. Lime requirement indices of 成人影片n soils. University of 成人影片 Fairbanks, Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin No. 52.

Mingchu Zhang, Professor of Agronomy, Institute of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Extension. Originally written by Raymond G. Gavlak, former Extension Agronomist.

Reviewed March 2021