Program Review Redesign

In January 2021 the UAF Process Improvement & Training (PIT) crew started on a mission to transform the way programs were reviewed at the university. In a little more than one year, the PIT crew came up with an inclusive, Faculty Senate supported, thorough and transparent review process designed to support programs through feedback and improvement.  The new four-year review cycle began in 2022-2023 with 17 programs receiving full reviews and 63 mid-cycle reviews.       

Previous Program Review Process

 Major changes incorporated into the new process are:

  • A four-year review cycle, which integrates student learning outcomes assessment reporting and includes a mid-cycle check-in review in the second year
  • Stronger focus on student success and supporting program improvement, with disaggregated student data where possible to promote addressing equity
  • Reviews conducted by a committee in each college/school, with the option to refer programs to a university-wide committee if needed
  • An online departmental portal for submitting the report and accessing departmental data, and portals for the committees reviewing the submissions

New Program Review Process

鈥婽he Academic Program Review process improvement team prepared a and a shorter of the overall changes and results.

  • Amber Leytem, UAF PIT Crew
  • Briana Walters, UAF PIT Crew
  • Amy Bristor, UAF PIT Crew
  • Michelle Strickland, Office of Accreditation & Assessment
  • Leah Wrenn Berman, Department Chair, Mathematics & Statistics
  • Mark Herrmann, Dean, College of Business and Security Management
  • Sarah Stanley, Faculty Fellow in Accreditation & Assessment and Associate Professor of English
  • Sheena Tanner, CIS Fiscal Officer
  • Alex Fitts, Vice Provost, Office of Accreditation & Assessment
  • Nicole Lamers, Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research
  • Madara Mason, Associate Director of Teaching & Learning, Faculty Development
  • Heather Foltz, Fiscal Officer, College of Liberal Arts
  • Chantelle McGinness, Director, Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research
  • Carrie Baker, Professor and Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts
  • Lisa Yancey, CIS Academic and Administrative Affairs Manager
  • Keith Swarner, Associate Dean, Community and Technical College
  • Bryan Uher, Dean, College of Indigenous Studies
  • Jana Canary, Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research
  • Trent Sutton, Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Programs, CFOS
  • Meryem Udden, Governance Manager and Faculty Senate Coordinator
  • Veronica Plumb, Faculty Senate Former Program Review Committee Chair, CIS
  • Cecilia Chamberlain, CIS Executive Officer
  • Kelly Ott, Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research
  • Md Azizul Islam, Office of Planning, Analysis and Institutional Research